How can I update my mailing address?

  • Updated

The second distribution began on July 31st. Prior to printing and mailing checks it was
necessary to pause acceptance of creditor mailing updates. As a result, second distribution checks were sent to the address on record as of July 23rd.

If you were unable to update your address prior to July 23rd, but you have notified the U.S. Postal Service of your changed address, your second distribution check may still be delivered to your current mailing address. If so, you may see that update reflected on your account.

Please note, if your check does not arrive, the update feature will be reinstated in a couple of months, after allowing time for check delivery, and you will have the opportunity to not only update your address, but also to request that a replacement check be sent to you.

Please continue to monitor your email for notifications and review your information by logging into your account at the creditor website: